SmartAdmin Different Versions When you buy SmartAdmin you will gain access to all four versions!
Jquery AJAX Version
AJAX version uses robust scripts to lazyload pages, components and plugins - to act as a single page app.
Its built to run smoothly in all devices. Highly recommended for small scale projects as it is easily manageable.
This is the our favorite out of all four versions, mostly because it's easy to build with, customize
and keep things into perspective. Please see the demo by clicking below.
The AngularJS version of SmartAdmin is a fusion of two worlds. AJAX and AngularJS working together in harmony.
It uses lazyload ajax method to load scripts, custom directives for navigation, message Board
and angular UI components. Has basic localization (e.g language change demo) with ngRoute, while
keeping all BootstrapJS compatibility intact. Highly recommended for large scale projects!
This would be an ideal choise for your next AngularJS project! See the demo by clicking the link below.
HTML Version gives you the flexibility to go in any direction. It comes with clean and pure HTML5
validated codes, with no loss of design or UI integrity from other verions. Use this version of
SmartAdmin as a stand point to start in any platform you wish. Whether it is .Net, PHP, reactJS,
Django or any other platforms out there, this version would be the ideal choice to go with.
Please note : This demo is not currently available on our live site.
PHP/HTML Version
PHP version comes in two forms, PHP HTML and PHP AJAX - they both come with a number of built in
PHP classes to help you get a boost in your project and save you maybe months of work.
Just to name a few of the custom classes available off the bat are datatable, widgets, button,
accordion and multiple Smart Form Classes.
Please click the link below to check out the list of our PHP classes. You will not be disappointed!