Click "Allow" to access your microphone and activate Voice Command.
You will notice a BLUE Flash on the microphone icon indicating activation.
The icon will appear RED if you "Deny" access or don't have any microphone installed.
As a security precaution, your browser will disconnect the microphone
every 60 to 120 seconds (sooner if not being used). In which case Voice
Command will prompt you again to "Allow" or "Deny" access to your microphone.
If you host your page over https (secure socket layer) protocol you can wave this security measure and have an unintrupted Voice Command.
'show' then say the *page* you want to go to. For example "show inbox" or "show calendar"
'mute' - mutes all sound effects for the theme.
'sound on' - unmutes all sound effects for the theme.
'stop' - deactivates voice command.
'help' - brings up the command list
'got it' - closes help modal
'hide navigation' - toggle navigation collapse
'show navigation' - toggle navigation to open (can be used again to close)
'scroll up' - scrolls to the top of the page
'scroll down' - scrollts to the bottom of the page
'go back' - goes back in history (history -1 click)
'logout' - logs you out
Adding your own commands
Voice Command supports up to 80 languages. Adding your own commands is extreamly easy. All commands are stored inside app.config.js file under the var commands = {...}.